Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Unwrapped: The Master Cleanse Diet Recipe

Today, we have something really special. We are going to reveal The Master Cleanse Diet Recipe. Yes, that's right, the real thing.  You know this thing is so good that even hollywood celebrities use this diet when they are trying to lose weight fast for a movie role.

If you are looking for a great way to lose weight fast, I mean really fast, and at
the same time cleanse your body of all the toxins and poisons which accumulate over the years, then look no further than The Master Cleanse Diet.

Created about 50 years ago by Stanley Burroughs this diet is simply amazing in that it detoxifies your body of the garbage and poisons which are very troxic to our bodies. And it does this with only using four simple ingredients!

Master Cleanse Diet Recipe – Keep It Simple | Fitness & Weight ...
The master cleanse diet recipe is not at all complicated. After all this very successful and popular diet and cleansing program consists of only 4 ingredients.
Publish Date: 02/09/2011 5:11

Youtube results for The Master Cleanse Diet:

My Master Cleanse: Lemonade Recipe
It's quick and easy! 2 Tbsp. Lemon juice; 2 Tbsp. Grade B Maple syrup; 1/10 tsp. Cayenne pepper; 8-10 ounces of filtered water You can find the Blender Bottles at :

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