Thursday, February 24, 2011

Master Cleanse Recipe & Directions for Lasting Weight Loss

Grab this, the Master Cleanse recipe & Directions, right now if you are even considering trying to lose weight. I say that only because it works and works extremely well. I have been using this a couple of times a year since 1978 and cannot recommend the Master Cleanse Diet enough!

 breakfastImage by skampy via Flickr

Originally this diet was created to cleanse out your liver and digestive system from all the toxins and poisons and heavy metals which accumulate in everyone's body. But it was not until folks figured out just how much weight that you could lose at the same time that this diet took off like crazy. And it has been going strong since 1941. I say that something has to be great for it to hang in there for that long!

Here is the recipe which you can make for one glass:
  • 2 tablespoons of fresh-squeezed organic lemon juice
  • 2 tablespoons of Grade B organic maple syrup
  • 1/10 teaspoon of organic cayenne pepper
  • 8 ounces of water

    Now that is fine if you want to do it by the glass and stop whatever you are doing for the master cleanse recipe and directions, but I thought that I would include the recipe for an entire day's supply. Just keep it in the fridge.  And if you need another glass at night, because you do not have enough, you can always then just make it by the glass. Here is that recipe for all day:

  • 12 tablespoons of fresh-squeezed organic lemon juice
  • 12 tablespoons of Grade B organic maple syrup
  • 1/2 teaspoon of organic cayenne pepper
  • 48 ounces of water

     Packaging ProjectImage by unstrung studio via Flickr

    Now you can make this up, the master cleanse recipe and the directions are such that whenever you are hungry, drink a full 8 oz. of the drink. It will taste so much like lemonade that sometimes it is dubbed, the lemonade diet.

    It really does not matter if you want to call it by its original name, The Master Cleanse Diet or The Lemonade Diet, what is important is that it really does work. It cleans out your system of all the toxic poisons and garbage which have filled your body over the years. And the bonus while you are using this diet is that you will lose weight and lose it fast.

    Some folks have lost up to 20 pounds in the 10 day period that they are on this diet. Now it does not get any better than that. If you would like to start this diet, the one diet that really does work, you can check it out at:
    The Master Cleanse Review.

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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Unwrapped: The Master Cleanse Diet Recipe

Today, we have something really special. We are going to reveal The Master Cleanse Diet Recipe. Yes, that's right, the real thing.  You know this thing is so good that even hollywood celebrities use this diet when they are trying to lose weight fast for a movie role.

If you are looking for a great way to lose weight fast, I mean really fast, and at
the same time cleanse your body of all the toxins and poisons which accumulate over the years, then look no further than The Master Cleanse Diet.

Created about 50 years ago by Stanley Burroughs this diet is simply amazing in that it detoxifies your body of the garbage and poisons which are very troxic to our bodies. And it does this with only using four simple ingredients!

Master Cleanse Diet Recipe – Keep It Simple | Fitness & Weight ...
The master cleanse diet recipe is not at all complicated. After all this very successful and popular diet and cleansing program consists of only 4 ingredients.
Publish Date: 02/09/2011 5:11

Youtube results for The Master Cleanse Diet:

My Master Cleanse: Lemonade Recipe
It's quick and easy! 2 Tbsp. Lemon juice; 2 Tbsp. Grade B Maple syrup; 1/10 tsp. Cayenne pepper; 8-10 ounces of filtered water You can find the Blender Bottles at :

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Monday, February 21, 2011

The Master Cleanse Diet Is The Way To Go!

Exercise is great, but if you really want to drop those extra pounds fast and get really healthy The Master Cleanse Diet is the way to go. Exercise has its place and we all need it, but for most of us today, our bodies are just clogged with toxins and poisons, along with heavy metals. We just cannot escape that fact today. What is all the pollution, whether it be air or water or environmental, we all are carrying around a lot of stuff which we just simply need to eliminate for our bodies.
SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA - FEBRUARY 04:  Angela Bavag...Image by Getty Images via @daylife
The Master Cleanse Diet is the absolute quickest way to cleanse your body today. Today, I thought I would share with you one of my friend's article on exercise. I just wanted you to know that exercise has its place.....and, yes, we all need it, but just do not forget how to cleanse your body of all that garbage.

Will You Be Able To Lose Weight Without Exercise?
By Helen McBride

Helen McBride is passionate about fitness and living a healthy lifestyle. She strives every day to bring worth while information to people so they can ...

Did you know that it is possible to lose weight without exercise? If you have the patience and the right diet plan then you will lose weight over a long period of time. It comes down to the basics of burning more calories in a day that you take in so if you want to lose weight you will need to be committed to reducing your daily intake considerably.
SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA - FEBRUARY 04:  Clients work...Image by Getty Images via @daylife
The main source of high calories in your diet is carbohydrates and if you deprive your body too much then you will become moody, tired and you can experience headaches. Carbohydrates also provide energy, fiber, minerals and also vitamins. In today's packaged food world, a lot of products are made with ingredients that are simple carbohydrates but because they are so heavily processed, they lose a lot of their vitamins and minerals. A short list of these highly refined products includes pasta, white bread, baked goods such as cookies and crackers, juices and soft drinks.

On the other hand, complex carbohydrates retain most of their minerals and vitamins and they have a lot more fiber in them so they break down at a slower pace and they are not normally converted into fat. Because they slowly increase your blood sugar levels, they give you more energy and with fewer cravings than simple carbohydrates do. Some of these foods include whole grains like brown rice, pasta, oats and bread.

As you are attempting to lose weight without exercise, your major concern is going to be balancing your blood sugar level because if it's too low then you will feel tired and you will crave more of the simple carbohydrates such as sugar. When you're at this low point, it is easy to make a bad choice and go for a candy bar or some cookies to make you feel like you're back up again as quick as possible but the side effect is that you're going to have a sugar crash and just be right back where you started.

As you go back and forth with this type of cycle of eating sugar and feeling up and then down, you are releasing insulin into your system and when you have too much, you start to convert those carbohydrates into fat. A great way to monitor your blood sugar so that you can lose weight without exercise is to eat your meals more frequently so that you are not hungry in between which will tempt you to snack on things that are not good for you.

It's also best to not skip breakfast and you will want to avoid highly processed food that has a lot of refined sugar in it so that you can feel better about losing weight the proper way since you will not be exercising. If that is your only choice or your circumstances are beyond your control and you can't exercise then the key is to choose foods that are more natural so that your body takes more time to process it and it has more nutrients for you to absorb.

If you choose to go on this type of diet plan then it only makes sense for you to choose the best food so that you will lose the most amount of weight in the shortest amount of time.

Getting the right information on how to lose weight safely is crucial and that's why I've gone out there and taken 3 of the best weight loss products from among all the others and reviewed them for you as thoroughly as possible.

Click here to read these reviews and watch our review videos. You will see how each of these products has a different approach that is proven to work and then you can decide which style best suits what you're looking for.

Article Source:

Exercise is great and all, but we must never forget how to cleanse your body and that is by getting rid of the toxins and poisons which are inside of us and have been for years. For more info on how to get rid of all that garbage and the heavy metals which clog our bodies we can check out The Master Cleanse Diet.
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